Ulysseus European University sends 14 students from the alliance to European Parliament in Strasbourg

The second edition of European Student Assembly will be held in Strasbourg at the European Parliament from May 31 to June 2, 2023. From Haaga-Helia, Business Information Technology student Sämeh Soliman has been selected to participate as a student representative.

European student assembly Sameh Soliman
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European Student Assembly

The event called  European Student Assembly brings together 210 students from 40 European University Alliances and over 150 different universities. This year, over 1400 students applied to participate.

A total of 14 students were selected from the Ulysseus alliance. Representing Haaga-Helia from Ulysseus is Sämeh Soliman, a final year student from Business Information Technology (BITE) study programme. 

The organizer of the  European Student Assembly is the European Universities Community (EUC), whose goal is to make the voice of students heard in the European Union and influence the future of higher education. During the assembly students gather to discuss ten key topics. The agenda includes subjects such as the development of EU foreign policy and the future of defense policy, future cities, sustainable and fair digital transition, and inclusivity in higher education.

The increasingly important role of students in shaping the future of higher education

In the modern world, it is crucial for students to have the opportunity to take an active role in defining their own future. Therefore, both universities and politicians need to increase student participation at all levels. Ulysses European University provides this opportunity for Haaga-Helia students at the EU level. One of the goals of the event is also to bridge the gap between decision-makers and citizens.

Haaga-Helia student Sämeh is eagerly looking forward to the event, and the expectations for international cooperation are high. He has been involved in previous student activities organized by Ulysseus. Last summer, he participated in the Ulysses Entre Camp  with 40 international students, and he has also attended a summer school organized by Ulysses partner MCI in Austria.

In Strasbourg, Sämeh will be part of a panel discussing sustainable digital transition. Preparations have already begun in March 2023 with an international group of students guided by industry experts. The work has already started in various online sessions, and according to Sämeh, it has been rewarding:

"I applied for the European Student Assembly for many reasons. Still, the most important remains to create positive change and impact while advocating and raising students' voices to debate current issues and draft recommendations and policies that could potentially turn into legislation that change the future of Europe and benefit future generations. I am a member of panel 6, known as "The Digital Panel". Together with my fellow team members, we are responsible for generating and producing suggestions and recommendations on "How to ensure a fair and sustainable digital transition in a context of exploding demand and raw material scarcity?" As for my expectations, I am looking forward to the 1st in-person meetup with all the panel members to continue and finalize our work and hope that we come up with meaningful and impactful recommendations that will be taken into consideration and contribute to a positive change in the future of the European citizens. Finally, I hope the ESA experience will add to and contribute to my personal and professional growth."

Students' presentations to the European Commission

The development proposals and recommendations made by students in Strasbourg are compiled and presented to the European Commission for consideration. After the official student conference, EUC organizes several dissemination events where various NGOs, municipalities, businesses, decision-makers, and politicians are invited. At these events, students have the opportunity to disseminate information about the work done and thus make their voices heard and their work visible.

Ulysseus European University

Ulysseus is one of the 44 European Universities selected by the European Commission to become the universities of the future. Led by the University of Seville together with five other universities in Europe (the University of Genoa, Italy; Université Côte d’Azur, France; the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia; MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®, Austria; and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland), the project will allow students, researchers and graduates to move freely between universities, carry out internships in companies and start high-impact research projects. The two new partners, University of Münster and University of Montenegro, will become full members during the next funding period (2023-2027)

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