Orientation Days 14.-15.8.2024, International Business, blended learning, Pasila

Osaamisen tunnistaminen orientointipäivien malliin
Orientation Days

Welcome to Pasila campus, Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Helsinki.

Orientation is mandatory for all students: new entrants, SAT students, Haaga-Helia UAS open path students and transfer students.

During the orientation days you will

  • be introduced to Haaga-Helia UAS and the IB (INTBBA) degree programme
  • activate your Haaga-Helia accounts
  • learn how to prepare your personal study plan (PSP) in Peppi
  • enrol for courses.
  •  If you have prior higher education studies, participate in the transfer crediting workshop on Wednesday 14.08. at 19:45 in order to prepare your transfer credit application. Bring your transcripts and course descriptions from prior higher education studies (university of applied sciences or university level – not high school) with you to the session.

Are you a new international degree student who is moving to Finland to start your studies at Haaga-Helia? If yes, you are warmly invited to the Welcome to Finland event on 12.08.2024 at 10:00-16:00, at Pasila Campus, room 1001. 


Day 1: Wednesday 14.08.2024 at 17:00-20:30, room 2202

17:00    Welcome to Haaga-Helia UAS by President Teemu Kokko
17:15    Welcome to study in the International Business Degree Programme by Degree Director Anna Hankimaa 
17:30    Your International Business curriculum by Elina Vannesluoma
19:30    Info on recognition of prior learning and transfer crediting of prior higher education studies by Elina Vannesluoma and Mari Törmänen
19:45     Workshop for preparing the transfer crediting application if you have prior higher education studies by Elina Vannesluoma and Mari Törmänen

Day 2: Thursday 15.08.2024 at 17:00-20:30, room 2202

17:00    Language Info by Marjaana Halsas, Maria Jompero and Tuula Jäppinen
17:30    Study Practicalities
18:30    Campus tour
19:00    Course enrolment and ICT session by Elina Vannesluoma and student tutors
TAKE YOUR LAPTOP for this session!
-    Testing ICT access codes to Peppi, O365, Moodle, Email, etc.
-    Finding instructions in the Haaga-Helia “For Students” site
-    Preparing your PSP in Peppi
-    Enrolling on courses in Peppi

Please note!

Elina Vannesluoma is out of office until 12.8.2024.
